Friday, January 4, 2008

Barack uses the the word "HOPE" 11 times in his victory speech.

Is he trying to associate himself to the Vertical Politics of Iowan GOP winner Mike Huckabee who is truly from HOPE, Arkansas, and had 40,000 people to come out on a cold winters' night to vote for their candidate in the Iowa Caucus. It has been estimated that nearly 230,000 attended the event. Obama won his Democratic caucus, but how many actually voted for him in numbers since their party doesn't disclose the actual number? Maybe he's associating himself to another candidate from Arkansas-Bill Clinton? He used the word "hope" eleven times in his victory speech last night in Iowa.


"We are choosing hope over fear."

"Years from now, you'll look back and you'll say that this was the moment, this was the place where America remembered what it means to hope."

"For many months, we've been teased, even derided for talking about hope. But we always knew that hope is not blind optimism. It's not ignoring the enormity of the tasks ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path. "

"It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it. "

"Hope is what I saw in the eyes ........ "
"Hope is what I heard in the voice ........."
"Hope is what led a band of colonists ......."
"Hope -- hope is what ..........."
"Hope is the bedrock of this nation."

I contend that the "Vertical Politics" of candidate Mike Huckabee is working and even Senator Obama is being lifted up as a candidate instead of being pulled down by the message of candidates who seek to divide, destroy and conquer.

He should have added in summary, "HOPE is truly seen in Mike Huckabee." I contend that would have been the only accurate thing he could have said about hope.

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Listen to Mike Huckabee's Response to HILLARYCARE below...

Latest Poll Results......which ended 9/16/07

Our latest poll which asked, "In what city in Alabama would you like Mike Huckabee to visit first?" The results indicated 50% for Huntsville and 50% Birmingham. Use DEMAND IT and hope to get him here soon!