Saturday, January 12, 2008

You Can't Have It Both Ways !

As Hillary Clinton's and John McCain's poll numbers slowly rise this week, the stock market goes down as FoxNews reported this morning. Is this a forecast indication that we will be looking at a poor economic future with either one of these candidates in the oval office? With a Clinton or McCain in the White House, it is a guarantee that taxes will go up. We already know that Mrs. Clinton, being a democrat, will raise taxes and we know that McCain voted 'NO' on two tax cut bills. He had an opportunity to give back our money but chose not too. Are you paying enough in taxes? Well you're in luck, McCain's record proves that he WILL raise them, regardless of how strong his credentials are ON THE WAR. Huckabee and Romney have taken the pledge to NOT raise Taxes. McCain refuses too.

According to Mark R. Levin's article: The Real McCain Record in the National Review Online. The article lists the bills that came up for vote that would have killed free speech, allowed amnesty and raised taxes. It compares McCain with the most liberal thinkers in America.

The Article indicates:
"McCain-Feingold — the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo.
McCain-Kennedy — the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history.
McCain-Lieberman — the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry — through reporting, regulating, and taxing authority of greenhouse gases — in American history.
McCain-Kennedy-Edwards — the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.
McCain-Reimportantion of Drugs — a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety................."
There is a reason that our elected representatives have a record low 11% confidence rating by the American people. It's because they don't get the important things done. They are in office for political gain, special interest and keeping the status quo in Washington. They've never run a business, a city or state. They have worked at spending our tax dollars, wastefully and irresponsibly. They've failed. I'm surely not going to reward him with my vote.

Senator McCain right now is appealing to the undecided voter. Didn't we hear John Kerry in the 2004 election say, "I voted for the war, only before I voted against it." He was masterful at telling the undecided voter exactly what they wanted to hear. Supposedly, being undecided means that you haven't made up your mind yet. I contend no matter what party you aspire too or if you're undecided or not, Senator McCain will tell you what you want to hear. If you say you like the color red, he will say, I like red. If you say you like the color, blue, then he will say, I absolutely adore blue. If you tell him his record says he cut taxes, he will tell you, I cut taxes, only before I raised them."
If you're curious, that's fine. Do the research. Seek out 2 or 3 credible sources. Talk to 2 or 3 different candidate preferences. Look over candidates websites on issues. Being curious is natural but being for all sides of the issue is not. McCain is an anomaly as shown in the climb in the polls but I contend that like a two headed snake that when it smells the scent of prey on it's other head, will attack itself.
Big Government imposing regulations and controlling our personal lives are all social-liberal democratic philosophies. The problems that we face today can all be laid at this socialistic/liberal ideology. McCain's voting record speaks volumes. You can't have it both ways and be a true conservative. Vote Mike, I like him.

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Listen to Mike Huckabee's Response to HILLARYCARE below...

Latest Poll Results......which ended 9/16/07

Our latest poll which asked, "In what city in Alabama would you like Mike Huckabee to visit first?" The results indicated 50% for Huntsville and 50% Birmingham. Use DEMAND IT and hope to get him here soon!