Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mike Huckabee WILL Stop the Car and Fix the Flat

Does anyone have the distinct feeling that the OLD GUARD REPUBLICANS have met in those quiet back rooms to discuss who they will support for President in the 2008 election? Those republicans tout being supportive of pro-life and pro-defense candidates and being "for the people", but who will they endorse for the 2008 Presidential Race? With the media darlings and talking heads feeling left out because of the onset of the HUCKABOOM, when their candidates of choice have been left in the dust and a Congress and Senate that are sagging and ineffective with approval ratings to match the shoe size of a grown man, what has them scurrying around like a pack of rats at a cheese party?

It has been said that the candidate with the deepest pockets usually will be able to run the distance in an election cycle with monies given and spent on various advertisements and such. What sets a candidate apart when he has little money coming from the political machine that has existed for years?

Take Senators McCain and Kennedy for example. Two U.S. Senators from two different parties. One a Republican and the other a Democrat. What’s the difference? Just a few months ago, they both sought after the same goal, amnesty for illegal aliens. What’s up with that? Why would two representatives compromise on such a divisive issue right next to an election year that is sure to have dire consequences? Senator Kennedy isn’t running for President but Senator McCain is. Why would a man trying to gain the highest prize in the land commit political suicide by saddling himself with one of the most liberal tax-and-spend Democrats in America? My thought is that Senator McCain made a fatal mistake and it sealed the deal for him to be forever linked to a Liberal Democrat: High Taxing Ted Kennedy. Whatever the reason, this brings me to my next point.

For years, with our consent, The OLD GUARD REPUBLICANS or "Republicrats" have been busy distancing themselves from the things that traditional GOP'ers have considered essential to the viability of the Grand Ol’ Party and the American Way. They have not only allowed our values, pride, and partriotic traditions to gradually slip from our hands but they’ve actively sought to wash their hands of the very core of what we should stand for with the strongest soap made. Read about the the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty Bill of 2007.

I believe the words that we are hearing from Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee and the response from the American people is the embodiment of what has been forgotten and set aside for political gain, party loyalty and gaining power. We have a man before us that has indicated that he stands with us for traditional values while running this marathon and supporting our values regarding, pro-life, pro-defense and military, pro-fairtax, pro-education and everything that is good with the heart of our country in mind.

Someone I know said it like this, "Imagine that a Republican and a Democrat are going down a road arguing about which radio station to listen to. Suddenly, they have a flat tire and continue to drive on the rims with flames and sparks flying up just like an episode of COPS. As they continue arguing about which radio station to listen to, weaving down the road and throwing sparks everywhere, they never notice the sign that says, "BRIDGE OUT!" and it is too late.

Americans, this is a perfect example of the ineffectiveness of our representatives and the liberal slant of the popular media. Vote Mike Huckabee for President. He will stop the car and fix the flat!

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Listen to Mike Huckabee's Response to HILLARYCARE below...

Latest Poll Results......which ended 9/16/07

Our latest poll which asked, "In what city in Alabama would you like Mike Huckabee to visit first?" The results indicated 50% for Huntsville and 50% Birmingham. Use DEMAND IT and hope to get him here soon!