Thursday, September 27, 2007

Read Hillary's plan for socializing America-using our Tax dollars!
Yes, she's up to her same ol' bag of tricks and just in time for some Halloween Trick or Treating fun! Hillary flies in on her campaign broom stick and disguises her answer to healthcare with pure socialism in the article. Those of us who've followed the days of Billary, won't be fooled again.

When she speaks of "It's Your Choice" in the article, these are code words for doctors' to extricate(for you liberals that means to "remove") the remaining good sense from The American People after her husband's days in The White House because our taxes are about to hit the roof. Eventhough, we all know that 50% percent of the us pay 90% percent of the taxes beginning at $30,000 thousand dollars. Ssshhh.... don't tell that to those rich working people making $30,000 that their taxes are going up-they might figure out what's really going on. With liberals, it's never OUR CHOICE!

When she uses the term "Good for Small Businesses", it makes one wonder, who is she talking about, which small businesses? The one's that have gone out of business because they couldn't afford to pay their taxes under her husband's astronomical tax increases when he was in office? I believe she means that it's finally her turn, to stick it to SMALL BUSINESSES!
And finally, when you read the part about "Reins in Insurance Companies", here we go again more buzz words for socialism. She's playing good-cop/bad-cop and making those bad 'ol insurance boys look like a bunch of buffoons, while she disguises her treat as glorified health coverage(everyone knows that government has never run anything well) while tricking us into electing her, so we will pay more taxes.

Let's face it, we are being hood-winked again!

Maybe her plan entitled, "Hillary’s American Health Choices Plan" should be renamed, My Fasttrack Scheme to Socalism in the geographical area between Canada and Mexico via your TAXES. This won't offend anyone, will it?

Read the Best HealthCare plan here:

Also read the Best Tax Reform plan here:

and here

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Listen to Mike Huckabee's Response to HILLARYCARE below...

Latest Poll Results......which ended 9/16/07

Our latest poll which asked, "In what city in Alabama would you like Mike Huckabee to visit first?" The results indicated 50% for Huntsville and 50% Birmingham. Use DEMAND IT and hope to get him here soon!