Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Wish List for our Next President -Short List

-Continue to Support our President and the troops in our efforts and plans for Iraq and the war.

-Change our energy dependence from oil to other energy resources in 10 years or less and allow for more drilling in the vast areas of Alaska.

-Reverse our Socialistic approach to handing out wage earner dollars by cleaning house of our many wasted government programs and enact the FairTax bringing tax relief to wage earners.

-Close the borders immediately and build a fence.

-Enforce existing immigration policy. The federal government should allow each state to govern their own visitors regarding the illegal issue regarding states’ laws and write legislation that will send infants along with their illegal parents’ back to their country of origin.

-Create an aggressive tracking system for those who are working and visiting our country.

-Allow Stem Cell research ONLY with umbilical cord cells of the mother and not with innocent human life.

-Over turn Roe v. Wade but first make it a law for every pregnant couple to review an ultrasound of their baby. Encourage and make adoption of state side babies and children more available, easy and less costly.

-Allow for school vouchers or at the very minimum return tax payer money to every family who’s child/children are home schooled or attend a school other than tax payer funded government school.

-Recognize that marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman for the furtherance of civil-li-zation and pro-creation of humans to existence for generations to come.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Huckabee passes Thompson and is tied w/Giuliani and Romney in some early primary polls!

Check it out Here:

Listen to Mike Huckabee's Response to HILLARYCARE below...

Latest Poll Results......which ended 9/16/07

Our latest poll which asked, "In what city in Alabama would you like Mike Huckabee to visit first?" The results indicated 50% for Huntsville and 50% Birmingham. Use DEMAND IT and hope to get him here soon!